I'm falling in love with ROCK 'N' ROLL of the 60's!!!!
California Dreamin', Time Of The Season, Please Baby Please!..
California Dreamin', Time Of The Season, Please Baby Please!..
L-O-V-E them!! =)
Hopefully I can find a Rock 'N' Roll FM to fit in to this blog...
Today went out with Biantai to K. And ended the day with a lovely time with Pris. (Hope her Mum's alrights with her late coming, sorry!)
Tomorrow's camp in school...Zzz. Hate camps nowadays. (Wonder where's my sleeping bag anyways.)
And sooooon, I'm going to start work at IKEA Tampines. Kinda late in the holidays I know but maybe I plan to juggle both work and school at the same time. =)
Saving up for a NEW BICYCLE=)
PURE WHITE 2008 Model of Raliegh Retroglide 7 Cruiser
Haha...its a RETROBABY no doubt and I loveeeeee it so much. Hopefully some Bike Shops in SG stills sells it.
Signing off now...
Arghh...raging hormones? =P