one of those days again i guess…
just feel like spending the whole day out at huge greens,
lying in the middle and reading a good book with the sun..
or taking a endless train ride with me looking out of the window,
thinking about life’s journey..
argh…wish Life can just stop for a moment.
To me, Life’s a learning process.
everyday you learn and it never stops.
though i really hopes it does one day.
Just one…
Spent quite a huge sum of money these days…
over 300 I guess?
The thought of me going to Shanghai in a month’s time made me want spend more to make myself feel better…
Well everything will start anew once I’m there…
'Tomorrow’s Biantai Chalet the Third.
Haha…which means a getaway with my buddies,
which means another 30 dollars spent…
Hope everything’s worth it!
Feeling down down down, remedy needed..