Thursday, December 3, 2009

when keys healed nothing.

Yup, when keys don't even heal anymore...
I wonder what gotten into me today.
Had dinner with Pris' Mum, Pris, Bro and Sharon at Han's.

The poor services got to my nerves at the start.
Felt kinda left out from the conversation that was going on, but i thought nothing about it.
I wasn't a very socialable or talkative person in the beginning.

Like a young child not knowing who his parents are, mixed feelings.
Fear, anger, lonely, sad.

Before Pris' Mum came, I was getting Pris a ring.
I was glad when she was elated to slip it into her finger.

When Mummy came, the atmosphere changed.
Like a turtle wanting to stay inside it's shell, I felt weird.
I've met her on numerous times and most times things were normal.
But not today.

Felt as if I was coped up in my own world.
Even till the night, after finally finishing the bloody BCM report,
I still feel that tightness in my chest.
Why didn't I get the comfort that I needed.
It hurts yet again.

Or was it just me?
All through the night, it felt that only sad music was played.
Looking at my piano, I decided to sink the keys.
Yet, I felt deaf.

Dad bought a new bike.
So I can cycle again and sent you home if you want me to.

'Was it just me?' I thought.
Maybe it is...

Felt like tearing,
so I did..